"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest.” (Mat 11:28 NRS)

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Welcome to Thin Space Ministries. Celtic theology believes that there are "thin spaces" whereever heaven and earth are so close th...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Our labyrinth begins to take shape!

My original plan was to put a full sized labyrinth on the south lawn, but Mark convinced me it was too close to the road. We walked through the woods and found this spot along our trail. We decided it would make a wonderful station for our woodland prayer walk. After clearing the ground, I used a stake and a rope with knots tied at varying intervals to mark out concentric circles using a can of spray paint. As the sun began to set, we were able to decide where the western entrance to the labyrinth would be located.

On Saturday, the confirmation class from Lawrenceburg United Methodist Church in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky will be out to help us complete the labyrinth by picking up wood, hauling wood chips to fill in the labyrinth, and outlining the exterior of the labyrinth with rocks.

Once the circles were drawn, I marked the turns in the labyrinth with rocks and then spray painted the whole design on the ground with an outdoor spray paint.

We started by placing our cedar stumps around the design to get an idea how many stumps we would need and then I began connecting the stumps in about two foot sections by stapling them together with a heavy gauge wire.

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