"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest.” (Mat 11:28 NRS)

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Welcome to Thin Space Ministries. Celtic theology believes that there are "thin spaces" whereever heaven and earth are so close th...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Our first team work day!

 The Lawrenceburg United Methodist Church confirmation class, mentors, and parents arrived at 9:30 Saturday morning and put in a hard day's work!  We had a stone removal/hauling crew to line the path and the outer ring of the labyrinth, a crew hauling cedar chips, a chain saw crew, and a crew fastening cedar stumps together for the labyrinth outline.

 The original path was way too steep.   Thanks to Lance and his chain saw we made a detour through the woods which required the removal of some downed trees and the wood was used for more cedar stumps in the labyrinth.  By the time 3:00 pm rolled around we were absolutely beat, but everyone still had enough energy to hike down to Eagle Creek.
Thanks again Lawrenceburg UMC!  We couldn't have done it without you!

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