"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest.” (Mat 11:28 NRS)

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Will it EVER be done?

I'm becoming horribly impatient with the final touches on Anam Cara.  It has been weeks with very little accomplished.  We have movers coming on March 17th, so regardless of the status of the house, we will be moved in!  The internet was hooked up today and I'm waiting on a cell phone booster from Verizon.  Hopefully, the booster will give us enough of a signal to get calls out.  Other than a light fixture in the powder room, a few touch-ups, and a good cleaning, everything seems to be pretty much done.  The deck, patio, and driveway pad will be tackled when the weather is a bit more consistent.  I never dreamed it would be a year and a half before this would be complete!

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